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상품 게시판 상세
제목 The BBC's weekly The Boss
작성자 wante23 (ip:)
  • 작성일 2019-12-16 13:24:01
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 24
평점 5점
The BBC's weekly The Boss series 중계본동용달이사
profiles different business leaders from around the world. This week we speak to Nick Mowbray, the co-founder and co-chief executive of toymaker Zuru. A few years into trying to build a toy 남영동용달이사
business in China, budding entrepreneur Nick Mowbray got a lucky break - a whiff of interest from Walmart. The US retail giant wanted to 명품레플리카=명품레플리카
visit Zuru's showroom in Hong Kong. Nick quickly agreed, and promised to send the address. Now all he had to do was set-up a showroom. "The next day I'm on a train to Hong, 강동구포장이사
knocking on doors," the 34-year-old says. It's a story that captures the early days of Zuru - a company the New Zealander founded with his brother Mat in 2003 - hustling and figuring it out as they went along.
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