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상품 게시판 상세
제목 What is happening in Delhi
작성자 police23 (ip:)
  • 작성일 2019-12-16 19:54:46
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 36
평점 5점
What is happening 홍콩명품미러급 홍콩명품레플리카 홍콩명품이미테이션=홍콩명품미러급 홍콩명품레플리카 홍콩명품이미테이션
in Delhi? On Monday morning, protests 레플리카 명품=레플리카 명품
resumed in Delhi's prestigious Jamia Millia Islamia university after students held a march which ended in clashes with the police on Sunday. Around 35 students were detained by police 공릉동포장이사
on Sunday and released early on Monday morning. The university's vice chancellor, Najma 홍콩명품남성가방 홍콩명품여성가방 홍콩명품남성지갑=홍콩명품남성가방 홍콩명품여성가방 홍콩명품남성지갑
Akhtar, condemned the police action on Monday and told reporters that they would be filing a court case against the police and demanding a high-level inquiry.
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