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상품 게시판 상세
제목 General Pervez Musharraf
작성자 treas233 (ip:)
  • 작성일 2019-12-17 21:35:41
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 28
평점 5점
General Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan's former military leader, has been sentenced to death at a special court hearing in 남성레플리카=남성레플리카
Islamabad. The three-member 홍은동포장이사
court sentenced him over a high treason charge that has been pending against him since 2013. Gen Musharraf seized 남자명품레플리카=남자명품레플리카
power in a military coup in 1999 and served as the country's president from 2001 to 2008. He is currently 이사비용견적
in Dubai after being allowed to leave the country for medical treatment in 2016. The charge relates to Gen Musharraf's suspension kgitbank=아이티뱅크종로점
of the constitution in 2007, when he imposed emergency rule in a move intended to extend his tenure.
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