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상품 게시판 상세
제목 There was a stand-off between those
작성자 Waitin33 (ip:)
  • 작성일 2019-12-17 22:17:57
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 27
평점 5점
There was a stand-off between those who support her decision and Trump supporters who think she's in the wrong, and should be 숙대용달이사
impeached herself. Waiting to go into Ballroom A for 홍콩레플리카=홍콩레플리카
the event, they stood on either side of the hallway with their placards ("Impeach Slotkin, keep Trump" one read), exchanging chants. Some tried covering up pro-Slotkin signs with their own, leading to a minor tussle by a Christmas tree. Inside the ballroom, there 남자명품레플리카=남자명품레플리카
was a chorus of loud boos competing with cheers the moment the congresswoman stood up. The meeting organiser asked for everyone to respect each other, but that didn't stop 용달이사업체
the yelling. "Hey hey, ho ho, Elissa kgitbank=아이티뱅크종로점
Slotkin's got to go!" came the chants from one corner of the ballroom, peppered with "four more years!" and "MAGA!". One man stood with his back turned to the congresswoman for most of the hour-long event. "I'm glad to see so much enthusiasm for civic engagement," she began.
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