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상품 게시판 상세
제목 Simon Hart has been named as Welsh secretary
작성자 Lords233 (ip:)
  • 작성일 2019-12-18 00:56:11
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 29
평점 5점
Simon Hart has been 레플리카사입 레플리카도매 레플리카남성의류=레플리카사입 레플리카도매 레플리카남성의류
named as Welsh secretary, replacing 처인구용달이사
Alun Cairns, who quit at the start of the election. And Nicky Morgan stays 레플리카미러급=레플리카미러급
as culture secretary, despite standing down as an MP. She is taking a peerage and will sit as a cabinet minister in the Lords. Opposition parties said 포장이사비교견적
she had been "rewarded for political sycophancy". But Ms Morgan, who will be in charge kgitbank=아이티뱅크종로점
of broadband and media policy, suggested she might only be in the role for a few weeks - pending what are expected to be far-reaching changes to the PM's top team after the UK has left the EU on 31 January.
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