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상품 게시판 상세
제목 providing information on ancestry
작성자 snapshot (ip:)
  • 작성일 2019-12-18 07:06:35
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 31
평점 5점
Where 용산포장이사
did the DNA come from? The DNA was stuck in a black-brown lump of birch pitch, produced by heating birch bark, which was used at that time to glue together stone tools. The presences of tooth marks suggest 기흥포장이사
the substance was chewed, perhaps to make it more malleable, or possibly to relieve toothache or other ailments. What does the information tell us? The researchers said the information preserved in this way offers a snapshot of people's lives, providing information on ancestry, livelihood and 광희동이사업체
health. DNA extracted from the chewing gum also gives an insight into how human pathogens have evolved over the years. "To be able to recover these types of ancient pathogen 답례떡=답례품 답례떡 행사떡 까치떡
genomes from material like this is quite exciting because we can study how they evolved and how they are different to strains that are present nowadays," Dr Schroeder told the BBC. "And that tells us something about how they have kgitbank=아이티뱅크종로점
spread and how they evolved." The research is published in the journal Nature Communications.
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